Happy Healthy Parents Make Happy Healthy Children
This month has been full of fitness fun as one of my NEW favorite programs has been launched! Double Time!!!! At first peek, I thought......

Rectis Diastasis
After delivering my biggest baby out of 3 and carrying him transversely, I have developed a medical condition referred to as rectis...

Tune In Your Mind for Better Results
Tune In Tuesday! Today, I would like you to challenge yourself in a new way! Create 3 affirmations (meaning a statement said with...

6 Tips for Fitness Success
No matter where you are on your fitness journey, there is always room for improvement! If you are just starting… congratulations!!! That...

The Skinny On Cellulite
So you have aged a bit since those teenage years and as you glance in the mirror, you notice some cellulite in a new spot on your body!...
Dirty Thirty FREE Workout Preview
This is a great lower body workout that I had to share! It is a preview from the 21 Day Fix's "Dirty 30" workout. Here's to sweating it...