Free Digital Boot Camp with Shaun T!
Yep! You heard me right!!! My favorite celebrity trainer is hosting a LIVE event via Beachbody On Demand and it is going to be so friggin good. I can promise you that! Shaun T is launching Shaun T Week To Beachbody On Demand on June 12th 2017. It is 1 week of fitness but it is about changing your life and transforming your mind and body. It is about loving yourself and your relationship with food. It is about getting motivated to get connected to your fitness, to your mental journey and to continuing on with your progress and reaching your health and fitness goals. That is why I LOVE Shaun T, he brings the mental toughness along on the workout! <3

When Does It Start and how do I get it?
The group starts on June 12th and it goes day by day live on Beachbody On Demand, meaning... You log in that very morning and that is when the workout will be posted! We will all be rallying each other on in our support and accountability group as he pushes us to new levels!
How to get it? You need to make me your coach and get Beachbody On Demand through me as your coach.
And, there is a great modifier so even if you don’t like being down on the floor or have an injury you need to cater to, you can modify with that option and you will still get amazing results. These workouts are like Shaun T's highlight reel! I'm seriously, so excited!
Insane Basics: Go Slow, form over speed, work through it.
Pure Cardio Part 2: It is going to be amazing! You don’t go to the floor at all.
Insane Weights: This workout is hitting the weights in an Insanity format.
25 Abs: 25 minutes of abs that is so ridiculously amazing that you will need to pray before do it! LOL
BrickSanity: Asylum strength and T25 mixture and a lot of insane craziness!
Speed 4.0: Speed workout similar to what you did in T25 Speed 1.0 and 2.0
Dig Deep is how you end the week with a bang! This is BANANA’s YO!!!! This sounds like Friday Fight From Max 30, which is probably the most challenge workout I have completed on BOD. ;) It's a good one!!
So it won’t stop at the end of 7 days. There is a lot more in store for you after those 7 days!

What’s Your Next Steps?
This is going to be incredibly awesome and I have already been gathering a group for this program and I want to do it with you! Are you in?? Do you want to join me?
Complete the application below to get the details on how you can join.
I must be your assigned coach through Team Beachbody and I can give you the directions for how to do that in the application process.
You must be willing to participate everyday for the entire week.
Let's Go Bananas Yo!