January Health Bet with Audrey Matu Fitness
Do you ever feel like you are just in survival mode? Like you just wake up over and over again like it's the movie Groundhogs Day? If you are a busy mom like me, you are putting everybody else's needs first. You take care of your kids, the house, maybe you work, too.... and by the end of the day, you collapse into bed because you are simply exhausted!
Well, I am here to tell you... no, mentor and coach you to realize that YOU are worth it. YOU need time for you. You need to find yourself and be happy with yourself again. I know because I was there, totally lost in motherhood. Totally lost in caring for everyone else but myself. I am so grateful I found Beachbody and have such a solid Fit Family behind me. I see people lock in on fitness and health and then drop off. They lock in, then drop off and that used to be me! But now, I have consistently exercised for 2 years and one month... nearly 6 days a week... and that is including a pregnancy and postpartum journey.
The excuses that arise in your mind are mearly a barrier to get you where you want to be. They are all smoke alarms, keeping you from realizing there is no danger in change, you just need to step forward with faith. I am here for you ALL YEAR! To help you through those excuses and barriers you have surrounded yourself with. But, it all starts NOW. You have to take the first step and that first step is starting. I can't imagine where I would be today if I hadn't just started.
Here are the deets to what you can get started with!
-->If you would like to reserve your spot now, go to: tinyurl.com/audreymatufitnessCGApp and I will get back to you within 24 hours.
Also, I would like to take a second to describe to you a bit more about what is included to my monthly support and accountability groups:
-Access to 4+ weeks of Meal Plans
-30 Day Supply of Dense Nutrition through the meal replacement Shakeology
-Daily Mentoring for keeping your mind in the game
-Free T-shirt as you complete your program and submit your results
-Daily Check-ins
-One on one coaching as needed
-With the All Access Pass, you have access to ALL of this for the FULL YEAR!